Gigabull Logo Stylized

Starting July 26th, Gigabull will unveil one song per month from their debut album, Ox Send, each paired with a level in their video game.

In this adventure, Gigabull, the band's namesake and the universe's most nefarious horned villain, has seized 10 sacred thumb drives. Each drive contains a piece of the cacophonous puzzle to defeat him: a song from the album. Your mission: reclaim them all.

Take on the role of a G.N.A.R. (Gigabull Nebula Attack Reserve) pilot, fighting through the lunar system to reclaim your home planet from Gigabull. Become immersed in hand-crafted pixel art enemies and backgrounds synchronized to the original soundtrack. Choose your spacecraft and become a legendary pilot in this retro-style, bullet hell space shooter.

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Gold 103,500 Ram Rancher
Silver 99,412 Gigahole
Bronze 90,940 jessewspencer
 4 81,696 ArmosKnight666
 5 73,115 gnarhard
 6 69,460 Beebz33
 7 64,435 HotdogStorm
 8 54,300 Jluginbill
 9 46,867 Teewhyelleiiiiiiiare
 10 43,530 GeneralCounselor67

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